January 4, 2013


     My life would have been hell on earth without my friends. Yes, I'm exaggerating a bit but in a way, somehow, it's true. So for my ever dearest friends, sit back, relax and enjoy the show. :))


These are my ever kalog, pasaway but loving friends. Let's get to know each one of them. :)

I think I'll start with 

Engr. Cherry Vic I. Olaivar

     I've known this girl for almost half of my life. We were classmates back in high school but was with a different group of friends. So we weren't that close, not at all. We went to the same university, took the same course and well to my surprise, we became good friends. At present time, hmmm.. guess what? Yup, we're still together in our current jobs as a college instructor. (she's really hard to get rid off.. kidding! lol) I see her more than I see my boyfriend, she's not a very good substitute but beggars can't be choosers, right? hehe Just kidding. She can be uptight on a lot of things(her books especially) but she sure knows how to have fun(this girl can drink, if you know what I mean.. ;D ). 

     Next is my non-biological sister. My sister from another mother and father. My ate(though I'm older than her but she's taller so it's kinda alright to call her ate.. ooops.. I'm blabbering too much, aren't I?.. lol) But here she is

Miss Janice Felix

     I met her in my college freshman year. I don't really remember how we became close but hey as they say "birds of the same feather, flock together", right? So yeah, pretty girls like us eventually found each other.(ahahaha) Out of the seven of us, I guess we're the ones who you can easily point as the "girly" girls. We both like to dress up and often find ourselves liking the same kind of clothes. She transferred schools on our third year but still our bond never faded. She could be very "emo"tional. haha (check out her fb statuses) 

       Now, let me introduce the only thorn of all the roses. hahaha The gayest person I know! (she's not actually gay-gay, we just like to tease her. :P)

Miss Cyril Pisenable

     At first, I had a hard time recalling her surname. It was like a tongue twister for me, I don't know why. (I'm bad with names.. ehe) She and Nice were high school buddies so we automatically became friends.(I didn't really have a choice back then. haha I'm kidding. Not really. lol Joke!) She's the most optimistic person I know, she gives everything a benefit of a doubt. She's the artsy one in our group.

     The next girl I'm going to introduce had got people confused to be me and vice versa. We have the same body type and long black hair but she's taller than me. Meet my mommy...

Miss Stephanie Kaye Cando

     I love sharing knowing glances with her. The kind that when you see each other eye to eye, you'd know what the other is thinking without uttering a single word. Then give out a hearty laugh and have everyone around you wonder what you're so amused at. We think alike a lot, I think? hahaha She's the chill one, she doesn't worry easily. She looks sweet and innocent but... hahaha I'm just gonna shut up now.. lol

     If you like hanging out with someone crazy, then this girl  would be the best companion..

Miss Emily Nayal

     Actually, crazy is an understatement, I don't really know what else to describe our Mamang. She's the most energetic out of all of us. She gets along with everyone easily(she  has lots and lots of friends). The room never quiets down when she's around. And she also has the most guts out of all of us. Dare her to do something(as long as it's not entirely stupid) and she'll do it without thinking twice. She gets what she wants when she works hard for it. 

      Last but not the least, our supplier of anything Korean(she's a K-pop addict..), 

Miss Myrah Estelloso

     Myrah E! She's one hell of a bitch! haha No, just kidding! She's the most sensible one among us, I think. hahaha She has a very light personality, someone you could get a long with easily. She's very smart and clever, a true Ravenclaw. Oh yeah, all of us are and were part of a Harry Potter Clan. It's because of this girl right here, we were able to be part of that group. She's an amazing writer(blogger) and not a lot of people knows this but she could sing(she's got a great voice).

     These are the people who I'm really thankful for. I don't know what my life would have been if I haven't met these wonderful individuals. It sure wouldn't be complete.


1 comment:

  1. My life TOO would have been hell on earth without you guys... Thank you for the laughter, tears, craziness and all those precious little moments that we shared together. Above all, thanks for the friendship! and oh.. I'm the craziest bitch in town! hahaha. I just got kind of confused when you put me as the SENSIBLE one...? Talaga? kelan pa? haha! Thanks Fe! ^^
